My Way To Daily Revenue

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


One of my site: was somehow shown on that brought me around 500 unique visitors and highest earnings since beggining of this project. I have now 4 domains that will hopefully bring me lot of money :D this domains are:,, and .

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Will domains work better ?

After my dissapointmant when my 2 niches jumpsoles and polar s-725 were dropped into sandbox I decided to try with domain. My problem might have been getting to many links, too fast I got 3400+ backlinks for in a week this might "warn" google to put my site in sandbox. I have now decided to get and and only try to get PR4+ backlinks I hope it will work good for me and of course expect my comments ;)

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Another SEO test

Ok now I am trying with new site that provide you one backlink. I will only link to this site from PR3+ sites. Main phrases for search engine will be: get backlink, free backlinks, get a backlink free...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

How to get free domain name in less than 2h

If you wanna know how to get free .info domain name in less than an hour here is how:
Option 1:
Register @, do stuff for np$ (usualy posting in forums of other people) and register domain at ;)
(I got 4 domains in 2 days :))

Option 2:
First you should register free at, than write non spam articles, or try to sell things for points, when you earn enough points you should ask for domain name and you get it . As simple as that and here is the link: Hostbidder

Jumpsoles :(

Yup it looks like this really is sandbox or something, cos jumpsoles are positioning somwhere in the back acctualy 5 places before the last one :( I don't know why this has happened but I hope position will improve soon ;)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Wow that is a surprise

Position of my websites suddenly changed in google. Jumpsoles are now on page 48 and polar s725 lost a lot to. So something has happened I just can't explain it yet.
I will write more about it when I willread some articles about stuff like this.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Backlinks statistics

I won't be able to use internet for about a week so before I go short statistics so I will be able to see my improvement after a week :D

backlinks: total google, hotbot, msn, yahoo

1,874 0 0 174 1,700
Learn juggling
44 0 0 9 35
673 58 0 289 326
24 0 0 16 8
11 0 0 7 4
Ljubljana hotels

5 0 0 5 0

Jumpsoles: google 20th, msn 5th
jumpsoles pictures: google 23rd

Learn juggling:
learn juggling online: google 45th

Polar s725:
polar s725: google 20th

Friday, August 11, 2006

New Type Of Advertising

Ok I am trying out a bit weird but hopefull very good type of advertising that might bring me traffic. Ok I bought a paper that I can print on my T-shirt I printed out and in next days I will walk through slovenian capital Ljubljana and I think some people will see my shirt and hopefully go to my site :D

I will report my result here :D

How to check keyword position

I use 2 very good tools. First one is tells you the ranking of your website, daily, weekly and monthly improvement with charts :D
The other one is my favourite

here is my current position:



URL Found
AOL Yes 2
Google/ AOL Yes 3
HotBot Yes 1
Lycos Pro Yes 1
MSN Yes 1
Netscape Yes 2

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Jumpsoles & google SEO

Jumpsoles have made an amazing jump in google. From position 37 to position 22. This is just another prove of my good work :) . For even better result I will try to get some more links pointed to my site and I will also add some content with some video tutorials. Btw I have found a great way to avoid bandwith usage with videos :D You all probably know it from know on I upload all my videos to and than display it on my site this is acctualy how learn juggling works ;)


I heard many stories how to be fast positioning first in MSN I made it with keyword jumpsoles (being 3rd after a week) but now I will try with hard keyword (secret for now) And I will do it like this: - Title will be keyword, description Learn about keyword, keywords: keyword all about..., than in body h1 (keyword), h1 title (keyword) I will make few h2 that will include keyword + few times bold keyword...

When and if the result will come I will tell you about it ;)

Promoting Learn Juggling SEO

First I found great free css template, than I wrote few sentences about each individual lesson and trick, record few juggling videos and put everything online. Few things you have to make for good seo here are: title, meta description and meta keywords, sitemap.xml for google, use main keyword few times in content and use keywords in title of links... Than I put this site in signature of my member profile in few forums, after that I submited learn juggling to over 120 search engines including biggest ones google, yahoo, aol, msn, altavista... After about a week I am not yet getting any visitors from search engines expect few from who have clicked my ads already. I think ad position is pretty good on this site: learn juggling

New Niches

polar-s725, learn juggling, ljubljana slovenia hotels and special one PHP scripts.

How did I chose them ?
-I know a lot about those things, so there won't be any problem writing about
-I used this program (keyword difficult) and all the words except PHP scripts were under 35%
-Ads are usualy worth 0.4$ or more
-There are usualy more than 30 searches per day

Why are PHP scripts special ?
PHP scripts are speciale because:
-It is very hard to be in top of google
-A lot of people talk about PHP scripts
-There are already many, many sites with PHP scripts

Why did I chose this niche than ?
First of all I have few cool scripts on my PC, and second Hotscripts bring me more than 80 vistiors/day.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Jumpsoles in Sandbox ?

What I forgot to mention before was that jumpsoles were not seen in google for few days. The story goes like this: So I add url to google and google indexed the site and about a week after jumpsoles were in 98th position... but than after 1 or 2 days jumpsoles site was not even seen if I used that means that google hid my site for a while. Everything about google sandbox is a bi mysterious ... but I think that this might be it...

Point of the post: Don't get scared if your site is lost in google => It will get back :D

Live news: Jumpsoles are placed 37th now ;) improving the position pretty fast :D

Monday, August 07, 2006


My favourite seo tools and tips ;)
Tips: Each link, heading and picture should have title ;)
Your site should have title, description, keywords
Your site should have robots.txt
-- Other are secrets --

Seo tool i like: <-- Ranking of your site on google, msn, yahoo <-- Tells you what you are doing wrong and how to fix it (pretty cool ) :) be sure to compare to 20 sites :D

2 weeks of playing

Something amazing happened after 2 weeks... Position of jumpsoles for keyword jumpsoles on MSN =3 and 38 on google. I am also beggining with few new sites like: polar-s725, learn juggling, ljubljana slovenia hotels and special one (visitors are not from google but mainly from hotscripts) PHP scripts. My effort is now not so much in jumpsoles as it is in learn juggling and PHP scripts. I am now hoping on better and better results...

BTW average daily revenue = 0.8$ but growing :D, Jumpsoles get on average 5 visits from google and msn (jumpsoles, jumpsoles pictures) and about 10 from links in my forums signature.

P.S. From now on all my posts will be "in live" so please visit this blog again :D

Mutual Funds --> Forgoten

Now I realized my mistake with mutual funds keyword. That is why I decided to find few new niches ( wich I will describe later) and improve jumpsoles. So I started with adding few more articles about jumpsoles on my site, adding jumpsoles link in signatures of forums where I am active... And jumpsoles begin to rise pretty fast specialy on MSN after a week 10th position after 10days 3rd position. Of course google doesn't work that fast but I am still improving and I already got few visitors from google it was something like this: day7-89, day8-86, day10-66 and now after 3weeks jumpsoles are on 38th place with Page Rank 0 so I expect them to come to top 10 ;)

First google apperance of my 2 (primary) sites

After I created those 2 websites I started adding them to search engines and wedirectories such as: google, msn, dmoz and others.

Jumpsoles nad Mutual Funds first appeard in google after 5 days. Both with bad position. Jumpsoles were in place 90 for keyword jumpsoles while mutual funds were not even in top 100.


At the beggining I have choosen two different niche:Mutual Funds and Jumpsoles. And belive me that was my first mistake ;) Jumpsoles are a good pick while funds are not...

And here is why:
1. Jumpsoles
Jumpsoles are a one very specific thing. Jumpsoles are a type of special platforms that basketball players use to jump higher. There aren't many websites that are about jumpsoles, there are a lot of ads with good $/click but there are not a lot of searches made for jumpsoles. So from this site I was able to expect let say 30 people per day 5 clicks and about 2$ per day. (You will see what happened later ;))


2.Mutual Funds
Mutual funds is a niche that has tons of searches, a lot of competitors and profitable ads. And that is the reason why you can't succeed. Bad ranking at google --> no visitors --> no clicks --> no money

Mutual Funds
